HARSH liveshows

In Finland our success is quite limited and our will to do gigs is not as enthusiast as some might think. We have done only small number of gigs, but especially with the new line-up, they are always good experiences. Respond from audience varies. In some places there is very good atmosphere and moving crowd, sometimes apathetic. Intentionally we do not do shows for our own cost. We need full travel expenses, and also that might be one reason that we are not asked so often. Offers are welcome at our addresses.

1st line-up:

CityDateOther bands
Lappeenranta17.11.95Armed revolution, Valtiokontrolli...
Lahti6.4.1996Yesmeansyes, 50X50, Dismachine(Sweden), Uutuus...

2nd line-up:

Lahti29.8.1996Abstain (USA), Rotten Sound, Cause For Effect...
Tampere10.10.1997Rotten sound, Circus of flesh
Lahti17.1.1998Furnace, Acabo el silencio...
Savonlinna21.2.1998Peruutettu, Kirous, Selfish...

Current line-up:

Lahti29.8.1998Break down the walls 4
Lahti9.4.1999Break down the walls 5

Harsh 1st line-up: vocals, guitar, bass and drums.
Harsh 2nd line-up: vocals, clean bass, distorted bass and drums.
Current line-up: distorted bass+vocals, clean bass, drums.
